PloughMan's Choice Screened Compost
Gro®-Turf Premium Top Dress
Dark, rich, weed-free compost, formulated for optimum root growth and plant health.
Maintains turf, encourages grow-in and assists in over-seeding
All Gro® Bark Products are sustainably sourced.
Currently all soils are available for purchase
Screened Top Soil
Black Garden Compost
Triple Mix Garden Soil
Once tilled into your garden's natural topsoil, the plants' roots are free to grow deeply, allowing larger trees and plants to flourish.
This all purpose black garden soil is ideal for starting new flower and/or vegetable gardens, amending existing gardens, and topdressing your lawn.
This soil contains a mixture of mineral topsoil, high quality compost. Perfect for new garden beds or veggie gardens.
** Also available in 30L bags
Vermiculite Bags $32.95 Each
Vermiculite is made from naturally occurring minerals, it is lightweight, non-toxic and a sterile product. Vermiculite helps aerate soil, at the same time retaining water and nutrients that get released over a period of time. Can be used on it's own or added to compost.